Kilim Hali
Βαλαωρίτου 9 Αθήνα 
Our philosophy
We recognise the talent of the unknown men or women who through the centuries have brought us the artistic expression of their imagination, tradition, aspirations and skill.

Who through their talent make possible for us to feel and imagine their world of fantasy and symbols.
Whose expertise in dyeing has brought into existence the magnificent and unsurpassed natural color hues.
Whose skill in weaving led to the construction of the most durable textile.
Whose ingenuity has developed maybe the most important human engineering feat after the wheel.
The basic and simple hand loom.

The world of carpets is not knowledge as it is an experience. Live the carpet, see it ,feel it . 
Open yourself to the language of colours and symbols experience the movement ,hear the melody and then you will travel with it. This experience is the magic flying carpet.